UMYF is often referred to as "youth group”. During the school year, youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the fellowship hall from 6:00pm - 8:00 pm. We will begin with dinner and then we move to praise and worship. After worship, youth break off into age specific groups. Our programs help youth grow in faith and connect to everyday life.

Youth Sunday nights are designed with intentional and fun games, relational fellowship and faithful reflection. This is the perfect place for youth to engage for the first time with our ministry and to bring friends.

The cost for dinner is $5.


UMYF Meals

We are in need of families to help feed our students every week for UMYF! Click the image to the left to be taken to the sign up genius.

We average between 50-70 youth each week! So find a friend and help feed our students. More details can be found on the sign-up genius.