Forms + Scholarships


Medical and Liability Release Form

All students are required to fill out the Medical and Liability Release Form at the start of the year, or before they go on any over night trips with us. A copy of the insurance card will be required to complete this form.


The Holroyd Youth Fund

The Holroyd Youth Fund was established in September 1992 with donations given in honor of Casper Holroyd and in appreciation for his contributions to the youth of Hayes Barton United Methodist Church and our community.

The purpose of the fund is to support the youth (6th Grade - 25 years old) of Wake County and their families who are in need of financial aid for participation in events of spiritual growth, mission work, and special circumstances.


Hayes Barton UMC Scholarships

Interested High School Seniors who are members of Hayes Barton and active in HBUMC youth programs are encouraged to apply. Last year we gave out more than $20,000 in scholarships to deserving students.

Please fill out the application at the link to the right! In addition to the application you must also e-mail the following items to (preferred method) or delivered in a sealed envelope to the Scholarship Committee Mailbox at the church or mailed to the church. Do NOT drop off anything at the Reception Desk.

  1. An OFFICIAL Transcript through the first semester of your senior year

  2. A Letter of Recommendation from a recent teacher

  3. A Letter of Recommendation from a non-family member of the community

  4. A Recent picture

Questions? Contact, Scholarship Committee Chair, Tim Crawford at 919-349-2842.

Applications are DUE BY April 21st!